Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Lily, Hyrum, and Callie all at the table waiting for their food.

Whose Foot is this??

Give me comments on who this belongs to???? I thought this will be fun to put in

Don't rub your eyes hard Its REAL !

Seeing this yellow car made me wondered if we live in another country!! Nah.. it's here in USA! Its a new model of car called SMART I talked to a man that parked next to me earlier before I took this picture when I saw it. I had looked at the new vechile and signed to the man about the car. It's amazing small car but it has good mileage which amazed me. Its so small but its worth it for those who drives to work . Good for those who goes on dates. It only carries two people and runs on 8 Gallons and it can drive 420 miles from FULL to EMPTY! The cost for this small car is outbursting!! I was like, no wonder, I'm seeing more of those Smarts cars now. There are few in my neighborhood that owns it.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Ultrasound of Grandson

Here's the cute profile of the unborn child ... don't you love those lips and nose? I think he is handsome little one!! Can't wait to hold and see him on the day he arrives.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Expecting Babies

Here is pictures of the ladies in the family... Stacy and Kari who are expecting so close to each other. Stacy is Kari's Aunt. In the last two pictures are Stacy, Annette, and Kari. Annette is Kari's aunt and her father's sister. Stacy is Kari's uncle's wife.

Callie on July 4, 2008

Callie was playing so cute getting in and out of the push car that I had found for the great grandchildren to play with when they are at Great Grandparent Webb's house. Callie was just enjoying herself while waiting for the parade to start. When she heard music , she danced so cute and I didn't take a picture of it! I regret it... it was so cute!! I enjoyed watching Callie. She really does look alot like her MOMMY!! Don't you think???

Friday, July 18, 2008

It was a great moment to be there seeing them so happy ... of course the boys were so dead tired. It was a big day for the families to get together and I was there to see it. Im glad I had the opportunity to see everyone. Everyone had grown up so fast in my eyes!!! I am looking forward to see Zandraya graduate in couple years!

Congrats to ZaBrianna

I had a good time to see ZaBrianna graduated and it was great seeing her as I known her since age 2. She had faced alot in her growing up years and I felt so small standing next to her. She is so sweet to come down to about my level for the picture. It was a beautiful day on that night and a long drive to attend the ceremony. I had good time visiting with the family members up north.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My Dear Friend came visited from NY

I had a great visit with my friend from NY & seeing her boys for the first time. This picture was taken at the airport. They look so tired and restless but happy to be out of the airplane. The big boy is 2 1/2 years old and looks older for his age and the baby in back is 14 months and looks like 2 yrs old.

Cleaning up Front of the House

We had a long day getting the weeds and bushes out to clean up front of our house. It looks naked now but it looks much better for now. We still have some yard work to do.